Sunday, March 6, 2011


I host an ATC swap at Creative Souls each month. The theme was paper dolls this month. This is my first paper doll ever. It was SO fun to make. I got the pattern from Valerie Brincheck's blog The Sum of All Crafts. It is from the mermaid template. Thanks Valerie! You have to go check out her blog. She has amazing stuff there.
I thought I would use Cleo's head and make a ballerina. I added tool to make the tutu and I also added real silver thread and rhinestones to make her head band. She always has headbands on in her pictures so I gave her a pretty one!
I drew the lines on her leggings and chalked all of the color with pearlescent chalks.
I think I may have to start a paper dolls group!
Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Nicely done, She is gorgeous!!
    Keep smiling and creating

  2. Angela This paper doll is beautiful..I love paper dolls xxx

  3. Very creative. I love paper dolls. Hope to see more....

  4. Oooh, please start a paper doll group! I'm old enough now to revert back to childhood and have started playing with them again. Hubby thinks I've gone quite mad - I have, but don't tell him the truth!
    I remember sitting under our great dining table that had a long cloth over it, and cut out my paper dolls when I was a little one. No one knew I was there and when the lights went out I had to creep up to bed!
    Your doll is a beauty and so is your blog! Thanks for all the fine tutorials and links.

  5. Hi Chris,
    I did! I started a group on Creative souls. Here is the link. You will have to become a member of creative souls to join the group. It is an amazing site! Here is the link to my swap group.
    Thanks for stopping by
