Thursday, December 5, 2013

Painting Progression

I thought I would take some pics in-between painting and coloring to show my process. I didn't take as many photos as I probably should have!
 First I used the acrylic daubers on 5 x 7 bristol paper. I layered until I was happy. I hit the paper rather hard to make some of the circles so that you can see color behind. These also make good texture on the piece. 

Next I drew on the face and then started coloring with my prismacolor pencils.

I colored her dress with white colored pencil then added white acrylic stripes over that. I also splattered white acrylic paint to look sort of like wings.
I rubbed a dark plum color around the edges of the piece. After that I rubbed on some teal and yellows then added black around all the edges.

This is the finished piece after I added more acrylic for highlights and a crown. I varnished the piece then added some more white highlights. The white had turned pink from the colored pencils so adding the white after varnish was necessary to keep it white! I varnished again and now all done:)
Here are some close ups

                                                                         Thanks for looking!


  1. OMG! this is amazing and so are you. Thanks for sharing your work Angela

  2. Angela!! She's gorgeous - thanks for showing your step by step progress!!

  3. This piece came out beautiful!! I love how the layers flow in the background.
